What Makes A Good Explainer Video?

What makes for a good video?

Creating a high-quality explainer video that converts effectively is a challenging task. At Apex Explainer Videos, we have produced over 500 animated explainer videos in the last decade. Drawing from our extensive experience, we have compiled a case study analyzing multiple videos to highlight the crucial elements that make the best explainer videos on the internet. After reading this, you will understand the components that have enabled our agency to create videos with high conversion rates.

Table of Contents

  1. Clear and Concise Messaging
  2. Define Your Target Audience
  3. Address a Common Issue
  4. Capture the Viewer’s Attention
  5. Provide a Solution
  6. Highlight a Single Benefit
  7. Emphasize Your Unique Selling Proposition
  8. Reflect Your Brand with High-Quality Content
  9. Select a Style, Music, and Tone that Align with Your Brand
  10. Foster Engagement
  11. Conclude with a Call to Action
  12. Pro Tip from Apex Explainer Videos
  13. Final Remarks

Interested in an explainer video? Visit our portfolio page for more details and examples.

1. Clear and Concise Messaging

Simplicity is crucial. Your video’s message and goal should be so straightforward that even a child could grasp it. Avoid using technical jargon that might alienate your audience. High-conversion explainer videos clearly state a problem, explain how it is solved, and show how the audience can benefit from the product or service.

2. Define Your Target Audience

One common mistake business owners make is trying to appeal to too broad an audience. When we ask clients, "who are you targeting?" we categorize potential consumers into three types:

  • Those unaware of this kind of solution
  • Those who already use a competitor's product
  • Those actively researching options

Clients often respond with "kind of everyone." This approach doesn’t work. When targeting people unfamiliar with CRM and its benefits, you need to emphasize the primary advantages of CRM. If addressing an audience unhappy with other software, you should focus on the frustrations and how you resolve them, possibly mentioning the ease of switching to your CRM. Defining your audience helps determine the direction your explainer video should take.

3. Address a Common Issue

Identifying a problem is a hallmark of the best explainer videos. Clearly stating a problem helps engage viewers and keeps them interested until the end. The problem should be specific to your product or service but simple enough to resonate with a wide audience. Even if not all viewers are potential customers, identifying a common issue gives them a reason to share your video or tag a friend.

4. Capture the Viewer’s Attention

Because most internet users have an attention span of about 8 seconds, you need to capture their interest quickly. You can do this by:

  • Highlighting a problem
  • Using creative storytelling
  • Showcasing stunning visuals
  • Evoking an emotion
  • Building a connection

The best explainer videos create an emotional bond with viewers. For example, we produced a video for Brain Parlor that effectively captures viewers' attention by demonstrating how their innovative technology helps relieve .

5. Provide a Solution

Explainer videos are unique because they guide viewers through how your product or service works. Unlike traditional ads that present the solution at the end, an explainer video should offer an in-depth understanding of your product early on. The best explainer videos introduce the solution before the halfway point. Besides presenting a solution, you must thoroughly explain how it solves the problem, how it is used, and the benefits it offers.

6. Highlight a Single Benefit

Remember, your explainer video will be brief, typically between 30 and 120 seconds. Focus on one clear message. For instance, we created an explainer video for Varpet, an app that connects people with professional laborers. The video presents a common problem (difficulty in booking contractors for simple repairs) and offers the Varpet app as the solution.

7. Emphasize Your Unique Selling Proposition

Even if you have only one competitor, your audience has a choice between you and them. To stand out, you need to differentiate your solution. For example, in a video we produced for Everguard.Ai, our client demonstrates how their service provides utility that no other companies could match.

8. Reflect Your Brand with High-Quality Content

First impressions are crucial. The quality of your video is the first thing viewers notice. If your video uses a template animation creator, it may not align with your brand, and viewers will likely move on. We aim to capture the audience's attention within 10 seconds. Subpar quality is the quickest way to lose potential leads.

9. Select a Style, Music, and Tone that Align with Your Brand

It's essential to capture your brand's vibe. You don’t need a large budget or an expensive studio; you just need to convey your brand's aesthetic through appropriate visuals, voice-over, music, and tone. Google exemplifies this with their explainer videos, such as the one released during the Google Calendar rollout. The video is simple, showcasing the Google Calendar UI with a matching white backdrop and bright colors, effectively communicating Google’s clean and organized brand image.

10. Foster Engagement

A good explainer video leaves viewers wanting more. Whether they search for your company name, leave a comment, or share the video, creating engaging content is crucial. If you produce a high-quality video that addresses a common problem creatively, you are likely to drive engagement. Understanding your audience is vital, and researching what has worked for your competitors can help you tailor your content.

11. Conclude with a Call to Action

Explainer videos can have either a subtle or direct call to action. The Google Calendar explainer video, for instance, ends by showing how the calendar can free up time, followed by the app icon and a tagline. Another example by Google Drive features an explicit CTA, directing viewers to visit a URL. The type of CTA you choose depends on your strategy. A subtle CTA can be less pressuring but requires strong engagement. Clearly communicating the problem and solution can make a subtle CTA effective.

Pro Tip from Apex Explainer Videos

Successful video marketing campaigns often use different CTAs across various platforms. For example, a video for social media might direct views to your website, while an explainer video on your website might prompt a free demo or a trial request. Testing different CTAs is crucial. At Apex Explainer Videos, we recommend using alternative CTAs and split testing to find the most effective one. A well-chosen CTA can significantly impact the success of your explainer video, so we provide multiple options for our clients.

Final Remarks

There isn't a one-size-fits-all template for creating an effective explainer video. A generic video with an uninspired script that doesn’t represent your brand won't generate engagement. Each company’s path to the perfect explainer video is unique. Working with a professional animation studio experienced in various industries is a smart move. Contact us today to learn more about our past projects and how Apex Explainer Videos can help your brand create a premium animated explainer video.

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