14 Reasons Why Explainer Videos Are Effective For Businesses

14 Reasons Why Explainer Videos Are Effective For Businesses

Explainer videos have surged in popularity due to their superior ease of understanding compared to written content. Humans process visual information 60,000 times faster than text, making explainer videos exceptionally efficient at conveying complex messages quickly.

Research indicates that viewers retain 95% of a message when it is delivered via video, compared to just 10% with text. This retention capability has made explainer videos one oftoday's most effective marketing strategies. By combining visuals and audio, these videos help customers grasp products or concepts effortlessly, withoutneeding extensive detail or explanation.

These characteristics enable companies to engage theiraudience more effectively and boost conversion rates by making it easier for customers to connect with the message being presented on screen.

In this blogpost, we will delve into the reasons why explainer videos are so effective.Keep reading to learn more!

What Is an Explainer Video?

An explainer video is a brief, typically animated video that elucidates a concept or product to viewers. Usually lasting around 90 seconds, these videos incorporate visuals and a captivating script to grab and maintain the audience's attention.

Explainer videos often highlight the features and benefits of a product or service to encourage potential customers to make a purchase. Additionally, they can serve as tutorials, demonstrating how to use specific apps or software products and explaining their functions and capabilities.

Moreover, explainer videos can introduce viewers to a brandor business, providing an overview of what the business does and why customers should choose it. An effective explainer video delivers its message in aninformative yet entertaining way, ensuring viewers comprehend the concept presented.


The Value of Explainer Videos and Their Effectiveness


Videos Are More Engaging Than Text

Explainer videos are effective because they communicate messages more effectively than text. They can quickly and efficiently convey complex topics using visuals, sound, and animation to illustrate difficult concepts that words alone might struggle to explain. This helps improve retention and comprehension across all age groups and educational backgrounds. Additionally, the visual effects used in explainer videos can hold viewers 'attention longer than text can.

This makes explainer videos ideal for promoting products or services, as their short and engaging format encourages audience interaction with content that might otherwise go unnoticed. Moreover, explainer videos can be easily shared across various platforms, allowing companies to reach abrader audience.


Videos Are Easy to Share

Explainer videos are excellent tools for spreading knowledge quickly and widely, especially on social media. They can capture viewers' attention instantly while providing clear and concise explanations. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube can disseminate these videos, enabling users to share content with friends and family effortlessly, thereby reaching a larger audience.


Explainer Videos Convey Messages Quickly

Designed to be concise, explainer videos are perfect for quickly conveying a message or concept. Their brief duration allows them to illustrate complex ideas more effectively than traditional multimedia content such as TV commercials or other long-form videos. This makes them ideal for businesses needing to communicate their products or services succinctly.

Furthermore, explainer videos are great for introducing new concepts that may be too difficult or time-consuming to explain with text alone. By presenting information in an engaging and entertaining format, explainer videos can increase user engagement with your product or service.


Explainer Videos Clarify Product or Service Functions

Explainer videos excel at demonstrating how a product or service works. They can highlight a product's features and benefits in an easily digestible format and provide step-by-step instructions. This type of video is particularly usefull for introducing people to products or services with complicated features or requiring detailed explanations, thus simplifying the customer onboarding process.

Additionally, these videos can be reused over time, making them cost-effective and ensuring viewers always have access to the latest information about your product or service.

Explainer Videos Increase Conversion Rates

By making it easier for potential customers to understandand purchase a product or service, explainer videos can significantly boost conversion rates. They provide detailed information in an engaging and entertaining format, helping viewers make well-informed purchasing decisions. This leads to higher conversion rates as more viewers are convinced to buy your product or service after watching the video.

Furthermore, explainer videos can reduce customer support costs by providing answers within the video itself, thus reducing the need for assistance from customer service agents. This makes explainer videos an invaluable tool for any company looking to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.


Cost-Effectiveness of Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are more cost-effective than traditional advertising campaigns or other forms of video content. Their concise and straight forward nature means they can be produced quickly and at a lower cost than longer videos or advertisements. This makes them ideal for businesses with limited budgets that still need an effective way to communicate their message.With the right production team, explainer videos can deliver impressive results without a hefty price tag.


Standing Out From Competitors

Explainer videos can help differentiate your product orservice from your competitors. By creating an engaging video that highlights the unique features and benefits of your offering, you can set yourself apart in the industry. These videos' eye-catching visuals and easy-to-understand format help capture viewers' attention and ensure they remember your business long after watching.


Enhancing Search Engine Rankings

Explainer videos can improve your search engine rankings. Search engines like Google prioritize websites with video content, viewing it as an indicator of quality and value. By creating explainer videos for your website, you increase the likelihood of appearing in search results when users search for products or services related to your business, helping you reach more potential customers and generate more leads.


Boosting Mobile Marketing

Explainer videos are highly effective for mobile marketing. As more users access the internet through mobile devices, these videos can reach potential customers with a concise and engaging message that is easy to watch on the go. This makes them perfect for businesses looking to establish presence in the mobile marketing world.


Enhancing Customer Journeys

Explainer videos can also enhance the customer's journey. By providing a video that explains your product or service engagingly, you help potential customers understand what your company offers, making it easier for them to make informed decisions about purchasing from you. By strategically using explainer videos throughout the customer journey, you can provide valuable information and guidance that helps customers to buy confidently decide to buy from you.


Depicting Brand Culture and Personality

Explainer videos are effective in showcasing the culture and personality of your brand. Creating a video that reflects your company's values and vision can create an emotional connection with viewers, helping them understand what makes you unique and building trust, making it easier for customers to make purchasing decisions.


Practicality and Versatility of Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are practical because they can be used in multiple ways, such as on websites, social platforms, email campaigns, and more. They are also a great way to repurpose existing written content, saving time and effort in content creation. Moreover, they are inexpensive to produce, making them an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.


Accessibility and Wide Reach

Explainer videos offer unparalleled access, as they can bewatched on any device and in multiple languages, reaching a broader audience.This makes them a powerful tool for firms seeking to expand their reach andengage with a diverse customer base.


Final Words

Explainer videos are a powerful way to enhance your digital presence and engage potential customers by leveraging their engaging visuals, practicality, accessibility, and ability to showcase brand culture. They help create an emotional connection with viewers, aiding them in making informed decisions about whether to purchase from you. With the right explainer video strategy, you can elevate your business to new heights.


If you want an explainer video that stands out from the competition, contact us at Apex Explainer Videos. Our team of animators, editors, and scriptwriters will create a high-quality explainer video that captivates audiences.

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